Compilation Books
Sharing Stories, Inspiring Change
IbbiLane Press is proud to produce compilation books that inspire and uplift. These books feature stories of resilience, spiritual growth, and thriving through life’s challenges. By reading about others’ experiences, we hope you find encouragement and hope.
Previous Collaboration Books
Throughout the years, we have produced compilation books that help readers by sharing powerful stories of perseverance and personal growth.
Beyond the Loss: Breaking the Stigma of Depression and Suicide
This book is for anyone who has ever lost someone to suicide or who has ever considered suicide as an option for themselves. The intent behind this book is start a conversation, to break the stigma, associated with mental illness. It should be OK to ask for help. It should be OK to grieve the loss of a loved one without hearing questions like "didn't you see signs" or "didn't anyone try to help." The pain of losing a loved one is always deep...the pain of losing a loved one to suicide is so much deeper on so many levels. These stories will touch you, these stories will let you know things will get better, these stories will let you know you are not alone.

Domestic violence is more common than most people think. It crosses cultural, economic, gender, educations, sexual orientation, and age borders. Abuse can happen to multiple people within a household or only one individual. It can come in a variety of forms: physical abuse, verbal or nonverbal abuse (psychological, mental, emotional) abuse, sexual abuse, financial abuse or even spiritual abuse. More likely than not, a survivor will experience several types of abuse at the hand of the abuser. This book is a collection of stories from survivors of domestic violence. The mission of this book is to raise awareness and spread hope to those suffering at the hands of an abuser. Each author has bravely shared the story of their journey from surviving to thriving in hopes that those who read this will truly be touched and realize that they, too, can overcome the bleakest of circumstances to live a life that thrives and not just survives.
Coming Soon!
Surviving Trauma Book
Have you overcome trauma in your life? IbbiLane Press is looking for co-authors for a new compilation book all about how to get through those really dark things in life. Not sure how to write? We’ll help you tell your story. Become a published author and help other people at the same time. If you’re ready to help others by sharing your story, please email ibbilanepress@gmail.com
Spiritual Awakening Book
Have you had a spiritual awakening? IbbiLane Press is producing a compilation book in which people can share their awakening stories. Sometimes spiritual awakening is traumatic, unsettling, or just plain weird. Become a published author while helping others navigate their own awakenings. Email ibbilanepress@gmail.com for additional information.